You Forgot That I Existed
You Forgot That I Existed is conversations between two friends with moms with Alzheimer's Disease. Joanna's mom is currently in a memory care facility. Sue's mom has passed from this cruel disease. While Joanna and Sue are not experts in the field of Alzheimer care, they will share what they have learned re: assisted living , finances, and legally caring for aging loved ones. The hosts keep it light by peppering in stories of their college kids, dogs, books, & pop culture.
You Forgot That I Existed
2024 Favorite Things
This week Joanna and Sue are reunited after the holiday hiatus. They list favorite books, movies, concerts, and food of 2024!
Thanks For Listening!
Joanna Anderson & Sue Nicolaidis
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Hi Joanna!
Jojo (00:02)
Peace out!
You Forgot (00:06)
Did you miss me?
Jojo (00:08)
I did, well honestly we haven't seen each other in a while and now you're back in Colorado, so.
You Forgot (00:14)
Yeah, I am. We came up yesterday. Oh, there's a nice golden retriever. There's dogs everywhere and could just sit here and look at them. We drove up yesterday and I'm so happy. Like don't even know.
Jojo (00:20)
Is it
like, is it cold like it is here?
You Forgot (00:30)
It was this morning when I went out it was about 15 degrees and I had to walk the dog. She woke me up. But that's okay. just and then but it's up to like 40 today and then now.
Jojo (00:34)
Yeah, it's not bad here. We had some
snow last week, was like unheard of. It's beautiful.
You Forgot (00:48)
my God, it was awesome.
It was so pretty, actually. was like, usually Dallas will get just some icy rain, but there were kids building snowmen and sledding and being pulled down the street on like on the cars. You see videos of that stuff like, like they're on like snowboards and stuff.
Jojo (01:01)
with snow flakes.
that's so fun.
I heard people were doing that in downtown McKinney because there's a big hill that goes by the Celt. Like the street is a hill and there's no cars out. So people were being pulled on sleds and then letting go and just sliding down.
You Forgot (01:27)
It's like, thank God there's no cars out because no one's used to driving, you know, and I'm cocky because I'm an Ohio girl and I'm like, I know how to drive in the snow and whatever, but you can't leave your house because nobody else knows how to drive in the snow.
Jojo (01:41)
No, I don't know how to drive in the snow and Sloan wanted to go to the gym and we were like, sorry, no, because you don't know how to drive in the snow and like you said, no one else does either. So.
You Forgot (01:53)
at least it didn't freeze over. It was never below freezing. Well, while we're talking about the weather, I suppose we should acknowledge that of fires.
Jojo (02:05)
my God, I just keep in my head, okay, we're talking about the fires in LA if someone's listening to this like three years from now. I keep thinking like, if you don't have other family that lives there, where do you go? What do you do if your house burned down?
You Forgot (02:13)
I don't know, they were turning like some bigger buildings into, you know, refuge places. But I mean, my daughter's there and she had to, she was under like a suggestive evacuation. But when you look at the map, I don't understand how like she was a couple streets, a couple blocks, like from the evacuation zone.
So it was like, what do you do? Sit there and wait for it to get a little closer. So we were just like, call a friend, get your butt out of there. And she did, thank God, because I couldn't imagine her being one of those people on the road, ditching their car, running. This story, you know. Yeah, I don't.
Jojo (03:10)
No. And how did she
have a friend there?
You Forgot (03:16)
she has a few friends there actually that were like from there, you know, grew up there. Friends from college. Yeah. Yeah. She's been at like four different houses this week. She's been back to her apartment, but it was too smoky. She couldn't stay. She left again.
Jojo (03:24)
like she knew from college. okay.
we haven't talked about this. no.
You Forgot (03:38)
Because it's hideous. She's fine, everything's fine, but you can't think about it without thinking about all the devastation and loss that these people are dealing with.
Jojo (03:42)
I know.
It's horrible. It's, but you know, one little silver lining is now I'm a huge Spencer Pratt fan on TikTok. Have you been following along?
You Forgot (04:04)
Join the club.
My gosh, Jen texted me last night and it just said Spencer. And I'm like, am I in love with Spencer Pratt? And I'm just like, his wife's music is trending and charting on Spotify, Apple. Yeah, I love it. I mean, I know. I mean, I do follow Spencer. And I think I started.
Jojo (04:20)
It hit number one, Heidi.
I love that.
You Forgot (04:30)
because of the hummingbirds. Did you ever watch it? It's fascinating, right? And I, you know, I never disliked them. I never cared one way the other. Like, I mean, I watched the hills, I watched all that, but like, I don't know, they were so much younger. I didn't think too much about it. But the way he's navigating this tragedy, it's hilarious. And yeah, I'm happy for that.
Jojo (04:32)
Yes. Yes. Yeah.
think they're going to get a show out
of it. I think they're going to get a show out of
You Forgot (05:02)
Yeah, possibly. I mean...
Yeah, who knows? mean, he's kind of like a little, I mean, God love him. And he's like, Louie's talking, he's like, okay, wait, I gotta get to a minute so this monetizes, you know? He's just, I just think he's funny. And yeah, I feel terrible for them. Because they were the first ones I think that I noticed that they lost. You know, the funniest thing though, he was saying how,
Jojo (05:20)
Yes, he's like a minute three.
It's awful.
You Forgot (05:37)
Previously, before the fires, he was, what, like washed up or on TikTok trying to make a buck and his crystals and being, you know, roasted all the time. And now after the fires, he's celebrity crying about losing his house.
Jojo (05:54)
Yeah, millionaire celebrity.
You Forgot (05:58)
Yeah, no, you're totally
right. It's been like funny to watch him.
Jojo (06:04)
But I'm already grieving it sounds like we're gonna lose TikTok.
You Forgot (06:08)
Is that true?
Jojo (06:09)
I really think it's true on the 19th. I've heard you can change your location to Canada and then pull up a VPN and bypass that. And I'm not above doing that.
You Forgot (06:21)
I bet I would just stop watching. Like I don't know if I have it in me to like do all that. Yeah, I think I would just...
Jojo (06:23)
do all that. Well.
Let's switch gears because that's so depressing. What'd do for Christmas?
You Forgot (06:38)
hung out with the kids. They were both home and it was very chill. We went to cousin Jimmy's for Christmas Eve dinner and it was awesome and he used to live like 15 minutes from us. Now he's like an hour 15. So and the kids hadn't seen his new house and everything. So it was perfect.
Jojo (06:40)
Yeah, the kids were helped.
You Forgot (06:58)
It was very chill.
then we on on Christmas Day, we go to Carbone for dinner and we've done that the last two years. This is our third year. So it's our new tradition. Well.
Jojo (07:11)
love that you get all dressed up and go because Christmas night's so depressing
You Forgot (07:13)
Christmas night.
Jojo (07:18)
Yeah, it's like the fan fair's over with. All I want to do is put my tree away. And so I like to, I want to start a little Christmas night tradition because usually we just end up getting Taco Bell, honestly. Yeah.
You Forgot (07:20)
Yeah, know.
For real?
Jojo (07:36)
We're done, so we always go to Deborah's house on Christmas Eve, do the whole dinner, open presents, the whole thing, spend the night, and then Christmas morning, big breakfast, open more presents, and then we all high tail at home by noon because Deborah and I are psychotic and like to get all of our Christmas decorations down on Christmas day. I can't have them up for one more second because I put them up November 1st. So by December 25th, I'm done. They need to go away.
You Forgot (08:05)
That's so
Jojo (08:06)
And then this
year we had to do a quick turnaround and we left the day after Christmas for our cruise. So I was like trying to do laundry and pack. So it was a little bit chaotic this year.
You Forgot (08:19)
yeah, that's so funny. Yeah, it's like I miss like having little kids around and like the Christmas magic.
Jojo (08:21)
You know, I know.
I know, it's just totally different when your kids are adults. It's not fun. I know.
You Forgot (08:31)
It sucks. It sucks. I mean, we still
have Gus, our cousin, and he's eight. And, you know, that's fun. But yeah, it's just not the same.
Jojo (08:45)
We don't have any little kids anymore. And we were saying like, who's gonna have the first grand kid? And all of us, you know, there's six kids in our family who are almost now adults. We're like, I don't know if any of them are gonna have kids. mean, really, Nell is probably our only hope. She's the one being like, I do want kids, that's gonna happen. The rest of them, I don't know.
You Forgot (08:47)
The next little.
Yeah, mean, I don't, mean, mine cannot for many years. I mean.
Jojo (09:16)
They'll probably both
pop out some kids though.
You Forgot (09:19)
They could I mean Jude says for sure Marta always said yes, but I don't know kind of she's still she's you know, she's 22 and Crazy, you know job changing all the fun stuff. So yeah, I wouldn't she doesn't need to freakin think about that that part of her future
Jojo (09:40)
But speaking of the cruise, so we went on the cruise to Mexico, Honduras, and Belize, and no one was at home to check in on Gaga, but we put the Jubilee TV to the test in the middle of the ocean on a day at sea. And I noticed on the app that she was sitting in front of her TV, because it tells you that. And we all happened to be together, like on a deck playing ping pong.
And so I was like, ooh, let's call Gaga. So we called and even though was a little bit loud just from all the people around us, everyone was able to tour and check in with her. And so it worked out well. It was great. Yeah, very good.
You Forgot (10:21)
That's awesome.
Like you could, you, yeah, that's so cool. You had FaceTime and.
Jojo (10:28)
like a little nanny
cam that we could check in on even when we're all out in middle of nowhere.
You Forgot (10:34)
And for all of you guys to be together, that's, did she wonder why she wasn't invited?
Jojo (10:38)
Yeah, it was pretty fun.
Not one bit, had no idea. I go, what are you doing, mom? And she just held up her little word search puzzle. Like enough said, she didn't even need to say anything.
You Forgot (10:53)
Dude, this is gonna come as no surprise to you, but I can't, I can't get my light right. The sun is crazy. My mom did those too all the time, constantly.
Jojo (11:02)
I don't know. I'm
I Debra must have bought her a book or something She has a whole book where she can just find the words and circle them
You Forgot (11:10)
That's all my mom did. And I'm like, these aren't that hard. I mean, she did those always, like not like pre dementia. Like, you know, like it would be like, yeah, all the time. But then I think like, I think that's like so funny. But I mean, I pick up my phone and play like Tetris all the time or blocks, you know, like, so same difference, I guess.
Jojo (11:20)
Yeah, I like Sudoku
or just little easy things like that. The mini crossword on New York Times makes you feel so smart.
You Forgot (11:39)
Do you do,
do you, yeah, I do that one every day. And do you do, tiles, but it's when you have to make words off the grid. No, spelling made me mad. I don't know why I tap. I had to like quit that. Was I not smart enough?
Jojo (11:52)
as Ellen B?
It made me melt too. my God.
I'm like, I don't want to work that hard to be entertained. I mean, I tried that and it's too hard.
You Forgot (12:06)
See, I love that one. I could do that one all day because you could restart it if you can't figure it out. But like, when I, like today it was like four words and I got it instantly. I know, so excited.
Jojo (12:13)
I'm like.
Yeah, true, true.
It was also a good word all day for me. I got really lucky with the word. I always choose a different word every time to start with.
You Forgot (12:33)
You do? I used
to. I used to do that.
Jojo (12:36)
Otherwise I get bored.
You Forgot (12:38)
Yeah. And like Jen knows my starting word. if she sees like, you know, some of the blocks, yeah, she's like, Ooh, but sometimes I switch it up a little bit sometimes. Yeah.
Jojo (12:45)
when you share.
She's like, there's an A in that word.
You Forgot (12:56)
I love it. well, we thought it'd be kind of fun to talk about like our favorite things of 2024. You got any?
Jojo (13:05)
Yeah, let's start with movies. I mean, I know you're gonna know exactly what I'm about to say.
You Forgot (13:15)
Jojo (13:16)
Wicked! That's right.
Very favorite movie of 2024.
You Forgot (13:21)
How many times did you see it?
Jojo (13:23)
I saw it in the theater twice, but now it's on like streaming. You can watch it whenever you want.
You Forgot (13:27)
I gotta pull this down.
Wait, what? Is it free? What? No. my god. Hold on.
Jojo (13:32)
Yeah, it's on Netflix, I think.
You Forgot (13:47)
Better. Yeah. You can watch it for free. didn't have to buy it. Isn't it like Amazon or something?
Jojo (13:48)
There you go.
Yeah, I believe so.
No, I don't think so. So, I'm just gonna have it on next few weeks while I work. What was your favorite movie?
You Forgot (14:05)
Anora, the one, I love it. I loved it and you know, I know it's very, it's current, you know, so like, but that was definitely my favorite because like it, the previews kind of make it look like it might be a little scarier or more, more like crime-y like, but it's really, really funny. It's like this girl's a stripper. She's like 23 in like the like Russian area of,
Jojo (14:07)
I haven't seen it yet. Okay.
You Forgot (14:34)
Not Brooklyn, is it Brooklyn? But anyway, she's a stripper, and yeah, it's Brooklyn, and she meets this young kid and she, you know, dances for him or whatnot. And they kind of hit it off, I mean, as much as you hit it off with a stripper. And he's like 21, some rich kid from Russia. And she can speak Russian.
So he like, they're like, they start hanging out and then he calls her again for like dates and then like pays her like 15 grand for like the week or whatever. But then they end up going to Vegas and getting married. And she's just like, she kind of, they do have real feelings for each other. But then,
There are people in the States that are paid to keep an eye on the kid for his Russian parents. And they're trying to find him and stop this from happening and stuff. it's kind of funny, but it's very, I don't know, it's really good. Like nobody dies or anything. Yeah, well the girl, Mikey Madison? Mikey Madison?
Jojo (15:37)
I mean, it's a bunch of awards.
You Forgot (15:46)
She's awesome. She was nominated and then like one of the other guys and I think like screenplay and it's that Sean Baker is the writer director. did Florida and the Florida project it was called. And I think, I can't think of his name. He won something for that. And then the one when the guy was like a male porn star.
Why do I always do this? I should just not talk because when I can't think of the name. Anyway, it's really good. That one was my favorite, I think. And then my old ass, that was my other one. Yeah, so good. What is she? She's like 18 or something and hangs out with her friends and takes a bunch of mushrooms and then trips and meets her future self. Who kind of tells her like,
Jojo (16:21)
Yeah, I hope it's
What was on my list too? So good.
Audrey Plaza.
You Forgot (16:43)
Be nice to your mom. Go spend more time with your... Yeah, yep. Like hang out with your siblings before you leave for school. Like it was just really sweet, I thought. It was done really well. And I love, love, love, loved the girl that played... Elliot was her name. Stella Mazie. Or Mazie, Mazie Stella.
Jojo (16:46)
Don't talk to that guy.
It was.
You Forgot (17:11)
I think it's Maisie Stella because her sister's Len and Stella. They used to be on Nashville. Did you ever watch that?
Jojo (17:16)
that's right.
No, I never watched that and I don't know why. I know I would have loved it.
You Forgot (17:22)
You would have totally loved it. Not too late. It's probably on Hulu or something. But that those were my top two.
Jojo (17:28)
Okay, another one that I loved, Will and Harper with Will Ferrell. my God. And his friend of 30 years, Harper Steele, transitioned to a woman and they go on a 17 day road trip to figure out their new relationship, new friendship, and just to like talk. And it's like, for real, like real life, this isn't fiction. It was so good. And once again, so sweet. And they go to these kind of
You Forgot (17:32)
I didn't watch it yet.
Jojo (17:57)
rural parts of Oklahoma and Kansas and the people are just like obviously so curious about her and there's only one location, Shocker in Amarillo, where they weren't nice and they had to go. Like their safety was at risk. Yeah.
You Forgot (18:14)
No kid-
Why do you what? How did they pick the cities that they went to? Or did they previously visit or?
Jojo (18:22)
It's because
Harper used to go on road trips with her kids. And so I think it was just kind of nostalgia, like, let's drive this way. And I think they also kind of wanted to showcase like, you know, areas that aren't used to trans women and, and what the reaction would be. And most importantly, it was like a great reaction overall. Now, I will say like, breaking down that fourth wall,
You Forgot (18:32)
Jojo (18:49)
there's a camera in front of their face and little feral standing right there. So they're probably going to be on best behavior, you know.
You Forgot (18:57)
True. But the people that were not kind to them, they didn't seem to care.
Jojo (19:02)
They didn't care and it's almost like the celebrity made them even madder. So yeah.
You Forgot (19:07)
Yeah, they probably
thought that liberal Hollywood guy was trying to shove something down their throats.
Jojo (19:13)
trying to make them trans.
You Forgot (19:15)
Yeah, because you can
just do that. You can take a little kid to school and have a surgery.
Jojo (19:18)
because you can just do.
during lunch!
You Forgot (19:25)
I mean, it's amazing. I love those stories. I love hearing those crazy people talk like that because it's like, you couldn't send your kid to school with like, you know, I was going to say like Neo sport or something like, know, like you couldn't do anything. No, God. I remember Marta had to take some and I could just take some.
Jojo (19:27)
No, they can't even bring their own Tylenol to school.
You Forgot (19:52)
Advil in your purse or something and she's like we have drug dogs sometimes and I'm like They're not sniffing around for Advil, but she literally and I go I'm like then go ahead and take it to the nurse and do it, you know, like I write the little form whatever but like Yeah, there's no one No one's trying to change your kids gender
Jojo (20:00)
It got trained!
my brother-in-law does, he's a surgeon and he does gender affirming surgeries. The amount of like therapy and all of the hoops they have to jump through before a surgery takes place is insane. Like you can't just decide one day to go get that surgery. And they're definitely not doing surgeries on children. So.
You Forgot (20:30)
Help no...
Jojo (20:35)
ridiculous. Okay, one more movie that I just have to shout out. It seemed like kind of a silly movie, but Fall Guy with Ryan Gosling and Emily Watt. I could watch it over and over again. It's just cute. It was just really cute.
You Forgot (20:47)
yeah, I watched that.
Yeah, he can do no wrong, honestly. I love funny Ryan Gosling and I love dramatic Ryan.
Jojo (21:03)
I love it. There's a scene where he's singing all too well because he's like feeling... Crying. So good. So good.
You Forgot (21:07)
yeah, he's crying singing it.
I remember, yeah, I like that one too. But I mean, I just, I just don't know if it was a great year for me for movies and books.
Jojo (21:22)
Books was kind of a letdown. What did you have on your list?
You Forgot (21:27)
well, again, no surprise, but, the Rob Sheffield book, Taylor Swift book.
Jojo (21:40)
Heartbreak is the national anthem.
You Forgot (21:43)
Yeah, where did I put it?
Jojo (21:47)
You told me about that book as well, and then I immediately downloaded it and listened to it.
If you're not aware, Rob Sheffield writes for Rolling Stone and he's kind of the expert on Taylor Swift. He's been singing her praises since day one. He creates a list every year of all of her songs and ranks them one to 50. And then he picks out his number one song of Britney, not Britney, Jesus, of Taylor every year. I almost said Britney Spears, what is wrong with me?
You Forgot (22:23)
I don't know. Because I don't know because it's late and we're tired. Yeah, that like that's the best. I love that book.
Jojo (22:37)
And Matt said, why are you listening to that? Don't you know everything there is to know about Taylor Swift? And I'm like, apparently not, because he's pulling these little gems of knowledge out about her songs that I never put together. I feel like we've talked about this on the pod before too.
You Forgot (22:55)
yeah, we totally did. He had a good thing about him and I can't find it. yeah.
Jojo (23:03)
I read a book,
let's be clear, since I didn't have any of my children on the cruise to hang out with, I read five books in six days. And one of them was Mel Robbins, Mel Robbins, let them theory. it's, it's kind of like a self-help book, but I loved it. I just love the idea of when you think people are talking about you or they're like, this podcast won't
never last or never work, you let them. You let them think it. Because you can't control what people think. And it's not just that in the book, you have to read it, but she really empowers you to just let go of some of that control that we all have, because you don't have any control anyways. You think you do, but you don't. It's a great book. I loved it. In fact, I loved it so much. I might get a little let them tattoo o