You Forgot That I Existed
You Forgot That I Existed is conversations between two friends with moms with Alzheimer's Disease. Joanna's mom is currently in a memory care facility. Sue's mom has passed from this cruel disease. While Joanna and Sue are not experts in the field of Alzheimer care, they will share what they have learned re: assisted living , finances, and legally caring for aging loved ones. The hosts keep it light by peppering in stories of their college kids, dogs, books, & pop culture.
You Forgot That I Existed
"Hey Jack...I Remember You!"
This week we explore various themes surrounding aging, dementia, and the impact of pop culture on awareness. Two new series, Man On The Inside & The Penguin, along with holiday movie Our Little Secret , all have characters with dementia. We're they portrayed fairly?
We recap Thangsgiving & have a great What's Up With Gaga segment! She spends time with grandson Jack and adorableness ensues!
Thanks For Listening!
Joanna Anderson & Sue Nicolaidis
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